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DGCA Computer number | step by step guide | Documents, time and more

Enrollment to give Pilot Exams in India

Choice to become a Pilot for profession or hobby is usually driven by some feeling of enthusiasm or rationale. When you start your research for procedure you hear one common term – computer number of Director General of Civil Aviation (DGCA).

What is a computer number?

Computer number is a unique digital file number created in DGCA that stores your record of exams given and scores obtained. When you apply for your license post your required training, theoretical exams records are checked from computer number file. It is similar to enrollment in to the University when you opt for any program therein.

Procedure for getting Computer Number

DGCA has laid out a comprehensive procedure to apply for computer number that includes multi-stage process including, data filling & document upload on Pariksha portal, attestation of documents and sending physical documents to DGCA within stipulated time. Complete procedure is available at Pariksha website here.

How much time it takes to get a Computer number?

DGCA reviews your application including physical documents received. Strict scrutiny is done by them and any observations found will be notified to the applicant with rejection. Once rejected, you have to redo the whole process again.

Time taken by the DGCA to issue if all the information and documents are found fit varies based on their backlog. Way back in 2016-17, it used to be few days. However, as per feedback for the present time (Aug-Sept 2023), it is in few weeks.

Is it difficult to get a computer number?

It depends on your familiarity with application procedure for govt departments. Go by the book and you may expect better outcome. However, for fresh 12th pass out students, it may not be a easy process to understand. On internet, you will find multiple not so good experiences of applicants.

Can one apply computer number on their own?

Yes, one can apply for computer number on their own. However, it may help if you take assistance for the same. Rejection of application once or multiple times may result in de-motivation and feeling of helplessness.

Everyone experience may not be same undergoing the procedure of computer number. Therefore, we would like to know your experience through this survey form.

Wish you All the Best & Happy Landings.

OFLY is available for consultation regarding flight training & procedures thereof including computer number application.



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