Commercial Pilot License
Examination Syllabus
Air Navigation
Air Navigation
a) Basics of Navigation
The solar system
seasonal and apparent movements of the sun
The earth
great circle, small circle, rhumb line
convergency, conversion angle
latitude, difference of latitude
longitude, difference of longitude
use of latitude and longitude co-ordinates to locate any specific position
Time and time conversions
apparent time
standard times
international dateline
terrestrial magnetism: declination, deviation and compass variations
magnetic poles, isogonals, relationship between true and magnetic
units of distance and height used in navigation: nautical miles, statute miles, kilometers, metres, yards and feet
conversion from one unit to another
relationship between nautical miles and minutes of latitude
b) Magnetism and Compasses
General principles
terrestrial magnetism
resolution of the earth’s total magnetic force into vertical and horizontal components
the effects of change of latitude on these components
directive force
magnetic dip
Aircraft magnetism
hard iron and vertical soft iron
the resulting magnetic fields
the variation in directive force
Change of deviation with change of latitude and with change in aircraft’s heading
turning and acceleration errors
keeping magnetic materials clear of the compass
knowledge of the principles, standby and landing or main compasses and remote reading compasses
detailed knowledge of the use of these compasses
serviceability tests
advantages and disadvantages of the remote indicating compasses
adjustment and compensation of direct reading magnetic compass
c) Charts
General properties of miscellaneous type of projections
Lambert conformal conic
Polar stereographic
Transverse mercator
Oblique mercator
The representation of meridians, parallels, great circles and rhumb lines
direct Mercator
Lambert conformal conic
Polar Stereographic
The use of current aeronautical charts
plotting positions
methods of indicating scale and relief
conventional signs
measuring tracks and distances
plotting bearings
d) Dead Reckoning Navigation (DR)
Basics of dead reckoning
heading (compass, magnetic, true, grid)
wind velocity
airspeed (IAS, CAS, TAS, Mach number)
ground speed
drift, wind correction angle
DR-position, fix
Use of the navigational computer
fuel consumption
wind velocity
The triangle of velocities, methods of solution for the determination of
ground speed
wind velocity
track and drift angle, track error
time and distance problems
Determination of DR position
need for DR
confirmation of flight progress (mental DR)
lost procedures
heading and TAS vector since last confirmed position
application of wind velocity vector
last known track and ground speed vector
assessment of accuracy of DR position
Measurement of DR elements
calculation of altitude, adjustments, corrections, errors
determination of temperature
determination of appropriate speed
determination of mach number
Resolution of current DR problems by means of
mercator charts
lambert charts
polar stereographic projections
Measurement of
maximum range
radius of action
point-of-safe-return and point-of-equal-time
Miscellaneous DR uncertainties and practical means of correction
e) In-flight Navigation
Use of visual observations and application to in-flight navigation
Navigation in climb descent
average airspeed
average wind velocity
ground speed/distance covered during climb or descent
Navigation in cruising flight, use of fixes to revise navigation data as
ground speed revision
off-track corrections
calculation of wind speed and direction
ETA revisions
Flight log (including navigation records)
2. Mass and Balance - Aeroplanes
​ a) Introduction to Mass and Balance
Centre of gravity (cg): Definition, importance in regard to aircraft stability (Aeroplane)
Mass and balance
consult aeroplane flight manual for: cg limits for take-off, landing, cruise configurations
maximum floor load
maximum ramp and taxi mass (Aeroplane)
factors determining maximum permissible mass : structural limitations, performance limitations such as – runway available for take-off and landing, weather conditions (temperature, pressure, wind, precipitation); rate-of-climb and altitude requirements for obstacle clearance; engine-out performance requirements
factors determining cg limits: aircraft stability, ability of flight controls and surfaces to overcome mass and lift pitching moments under all flight conditions, changes in cg location during flight due to consumption of fuel, raising and lowering of undercarriage, and intentional relocation of passengers or cargo, transfer of fuel, movement of centre of lift because of changes in position of wing flaps
b) Loading
Terminology: empty mass, dry operating mass (empty mass + crew + operating items + unusable fuel), zero fuel mass, standard mass – crew, passengers and baggage, fuel, oil water (volume/mass conversion factors), carry-on luggage, useful load (traffic load + usable fuel
Effects of overloading: high take-off and safety speeds, longer take-off and landing distances, lower rate-of-climb, influence on range and endurance, decreased engine-out performance, possible structural damage in extreme cases
c) Centre of Gravity (cg)
basic of cg calculations (load and balance documentation)
Datum – explanation of term, location, use in cg calculation
Moment arm – explanation of term, determination of algebric signs, use
Moment – explanation, moment = mass x moment arm
Expression in percentage of mean aerodynamic chord (% MAC)
Calculation of cg
Effect of load-shift
movement of cg. Possible out of limits
possible damage due to inertia of a moving load
effect of acceleration of the aircraft load
3. Performance
​ a) Performance of Single-Engine Aeroplanes
definitions of terms and speeds used
Take-off and landing performance
Effect of aeroplane mass, wind, density, altitude, runway slope, runway conditions
Use of aeroplane flight manual data
Climb and cruise performance
use of aeroplane flight data
effect of density altitude and aeroplane mass
endurance and the effects of the different recommended power settings
still air range with various power settings
b) Performance of Multi-Engine Aeroplanes
definitions of terms and speeds used
any new terms used for multi-engine aeroplane performance
Importance of performance calculations
determination of performance under normal conditions
consideration of effects of pressure altitude, temperature, wind, aeroplane mass, runway slope, and runway conditions
Elements of performance
take-off and landing distances
obstacle clearance at take-off
rate of climb and descent
effects of selected power settings, speeds, and aircraft configuration
Cruise altitudes and altitude ceiling
en-route requirements
Payload/range trade-offs
Speed/economy trade-offs
Use of performance graphs and tabulated data
performance section of flight manual
4. Flight Planning and Monitoring – Aeroplanes
a) Flight Plans for Cross Country Flights
Navigation Plan
selection of routes, speeds, heights (altitudes) and alternate airfield/landing sites
terrain and obstacle clearance
cruising levels appropriate for direction of flight
navigation check points, visual or radio
measurement of tracks and distances
obtaining wind velocity forecast for each leg
computations of headings, ground speeds, and time en-route from tracks, true airspeed and wind velocities
completion of pre-flight portion of navigation flight log
Fuel Plan
computation of planned fuel usage for each leg and total fuel usage for the flight
flight manual figures for fuel flow during climb, en- route and during descent
navigation plan for times en-route
fuel for holding and diversion to alternate airfield
total fuel requirements for flight
completion of pre-flight portion of fuel log
Flight monitoring and in-flight re-planning
in-flight fuel computations
recording of fuel quantities remaining at navigational checkpoints
calculation of actual consumption rate
comparison of actual and planned fuel consumption and fuel state
Revision of fuel reserve estimates
in-flight re-planning in case of problems
selection of cruise altitude and power settings for new destination
time to new destination
fuel state, fuel requirements, fuel reserves
Radio communication and navigation aids
communication frequencies and call signs for appropriate control agencies and in-flight service facilities such as weather stations
radio navigation and approach aids, if appropriate
b) ICAO ATC Flight Plan
types of flight plan
ICAO flight plan – format
completing the flight plan
Filling the flight plan
procedures for filing
agency responsible for processing the flight plan
Adherence to flight plan
c) Practical Flight Planning
Chart preparation
Plot tracks and measure directions and distances
Navigation plans
Completing the navigation plan using:
tracks and distances from prepared charts
wind velocities as provided
true airspeeds as appropriate
Simple fuel plans
Preparation of fuel logs showing planned values for:
fuel used on each leg
fuel remaining at the end of each leg
endurance, based on fuel remaining and planned consumption rate, at end of each leg
Radio planning practice
frequencies and call signs of air traffic control agencies and facilities and for in-flight services such as weather information
d) Practical Completion of a ‘Flight Plan’ (flight plan, flight log, nav log ATC plan, etc.)
Extraction of data
extraction of navigational data
extraction of meteorological data
extraction of performance data
completion of navigation flight plan
completion of fuel plan
time and fuel to top-of-climb
cruise sector times and fuel used
total time and fuel required to destination
fuel required for missed approach, climb en- route altitude, and cruise alternate
reserve fuel
Completion of air traffic flight plan
​ 5. Radio Navigation
a) Radio Aids
Ground D/F (including classification of bearings)
presentation and interpretation
errors and accuracy
factors affecting range and accuracy
ADF (including associated beacons and use of the radio magnetic indicator)
presentation and interpretation
errors and accuracy
factors affecting range and accuracy
VOR and Doppler – VOR (including the use of the radio magnetic indicator)
presentation and interpretation
errors and accuracy
factors affecting range and accuracy
DME (distance measuring equipment)
presentation and interpretation
errors and accuracy
factors affecting range and accuracy
ILS (Instrument Landing System)
presentation and interpretation
errors and accuracy
factors affecting range and accuracy
b) Basic Radar Principles
SSR secondary surveillance radar and transponder
presentation and interpretation
modes and codes, including mode S
c) Self-contained and External-Referenced Navigation Systems
Satellite assisted navigation: GPS / GLONASS
principle of operation
advantages and disadvantages
6. Instrumentation
6.1 Flight Instruments
a) Air data instruments
pitot and static system
pitot tube, construction and principles of operation
static source
alternate static source
construction and principles of operation
display and setting
correction tables
Airspeed indicator
construction and principles of operation
speed indications (IAS)
meaning of coloured sectors
maximum speed indicator, VMO, MMO pointer
Vertical Speed Indicator (VSI)
aneroid and instantaneous VSI (IVSI)
construction and principles of operation
b) Gyroscopic instruments
Gyro fundamentals
theory of gyroscopic forces (stability, precession)
types, and principles of operation:
vertical gyro
directional gyro
rate gyro
rate integrating gyro
single degree-of-freedom gyro
ring laser gyro
apparent drift
random drift
drive types, monitoring
Directional gyro
construction and principles of operation
Slaved gyro compass
construction and principles of operation
mounting and modes of operation
turn and acceleration errors
application, uses of output data
Attitude indicator (vertical gyro)
construction and principles of operation
display types
turn and acceleration errors
application, uses of output data
Turn and bank indicator (rate gyro)
construction and principles of operation
display types
application, uses of output data
turn coordinator
c) Magnetic Compass
construction and principles of operation
errors (deviation, effect of inclination)
d) Radio Altimeter
frequency band
principle of operation
6.2 Power Plant and System Monitoring Instruments
Pressure Gauge
pressure indicators
meaning of coloured sectors
Temperature Gauge
ram rise, recovery factor
RPM Indicator
interfacing of signal pick-up to RPM gauge
RPM indicators, piston and turbine engines
meaning of coloured sectors
Consumption Gauge
high pressure line fuel flowmeter (function, indications, failure warnings)
Fuel Gauge
measurement of volume/mass, units
measuring sensors
content, quantity indicators
reasons for incorrect indications
Torque Meter
indicators, units
meaning of coloured sectors
Basics of Electronic Displays
Basic radio propagation theory
Basic principles
Electromagnetic waves
Wave length, amplitude, phase angle, frequency
Frequency bands, side band, single side band
Pulse characteristics
Carrier, modulation, demodulation
Kind of modulation (amplitude, frequency, pulse, multiplex)
Oscillation circuit
Types of antennas
Wave propagation
Ground wave
Space wave
Propagation with the frequency bands
Frequency prognosis (MUF)
Factors affecting propagation (reflection, absorption, interference, twilight, shoreline, mountain, static)
Aviation Meteorology
1) The Atmosphere
a. Composition, extent, vertical division
​ b. Temperature
vertical distribution of temperature
transfer of heat: solar and terrestrial radiation, conduction, convection, advection and turbulence
lapse rate, stability and instability
development of inversions, types of inversions
temperature near the earth’s surface, surface effects, diurnal
variation, effect of clouds, effect of wind
c. Atmospheric pressure
barometric pressure, isobars
pressure variation with height, contours (isohypses)
reduction of pressure to mean sea level, QFF
surface low/upper-air low, surface high/upper-air high- precipitation
d. Atmospheric density : interrelationship of pressure, temperature and density
e. International Standard Atmosphere (ISA)
f. Altimetry
pressure altitude, true altitude
height, altitude, flight level
altimeter settings: QNH, QFE, 1013.25 hPa
effect of accelerated airflow due to topography
2) Wind
a.Definition and measurement
b. Primary cause of wind
primary cause of wind, pressure gradient, coriolis force, gradient wind
relationship between isobars and wind
c. General circulation
general circulation around the globe
d. Turbulence
Turbulence and gustiness, types of turbulence
origin and location of turbulence
e. Variation of wind with height
variation of wind in the friction layer
f.Local winds: Anabatic and katabatic winds, land and sea breezes, venturi effects
g. Standing waves
origin of standing waves
3) Thermodynamics
a. Humidity
water vapour in the atmosphere
temperature / dew point, mixing ratio, relative humidity
4) Clouds and Fog
a.Clouds formation and description
cloud types, cloud classification
influence of inversions on cloud development
b. Fog, mist, haze
radiation fog
advection fog
steaming fog
frontal fog
orographic fog
5) Precipitation
a. Development of precipitation
development of precipitation
types of precipitation
type of precipitation, relationship with cloud types
6) Airmasses and Fronts
a. Types of airmasses
description, factors, affecting the properties of an airmass
classification of airmasses, modifications of airmasses, areas of origin
b. Fronts
boundaries between airmasses (fronts), general situation, geographic differentiation
warm front, associated clouds and weather
cold front, associated clouds and weather
Warm sector, associated clouds and weather
weather behind the cold front
occlusions, associated clouds and weather
stationary front, associated clouds and weather
movement of fronts and pressure systems, life cycle
7) Pressure Systems
a. Location of the principal pressure areas
b. Anticyclone: Anticyclones, types, general properties, cold and warm anticyclones, ridges and wedges, subsidence
c. Non frontal depressions
thermal, orographic – and secondary depressions, cold air pools, trough
d. Tropical revolving storms
8) Climatology
a. Typical weather situations in mid-latitudes
westerly waves
high pressure area
uniform pressure pattern
b. Local seasonal weather and wind
SE & NE Monsoon, Pre-Monsoon, Northwesters, Kalbaisakhi
Western Disturbance
9) Flight Hazards
a. Icing
weather conditions for ice accretion, topographical effects
b. Turbulence
effects on flight, avoidance
c. Windshear
definition of windshear
weather conditions for windshear
effects on flight
d. Thunderstorms
structure of thunderstorms, squall lines, life history, storm cells, electricity in the atmosphere, static charges
conditions for and process of development, forecast, location, type specification
Thunderstorm avoidance, ground/airborne radar, storm scope
development and effect of down bursts
development of lightning discharge and effect of lightning strike on aircraft and flight execution
e. Low and high level inversions: Influence on aircraft performance
f. Hazards in mountainous areas
influence of terrain on clouds and precipitation, frontal passage
vertical movements, mountain waves, windshear, turbulence, ice accretion
development and effect of valley inversions
g. Visibility reducing phenomena
reduction of visibility caused by mist, smoke, dust, sand and precipitation
reduction of visibility caused by low drifting and blowing snow
10) Meteorological Information
a. Observation
On the ground – surface wind, visibility and runway visual range, transmissometers; Clouds – type, amount, height of base and tops, movement; Weather – including all types of precipitation, air temperature, relative humidity, dew point, atmospheric pressure
aircraft observations and reporting, data link systems, PIREPS​​
b. Weather Charts
significant weather charts
surface charts
upper air charts
symbols and signs on analysed and prognostic charts
c) Information for Flight Planning
Aeronautical codes: METAR, TAF, SPECI, SIGMET, SNOWTAM, runway report
Meteorological broadcasts for aviation: VOLMET, ATIS, HFVOLMET, ACARS
Content and use of pre-flight meteorological documents
Meteorological briefing and advice
measuring and warning systems for low level windshear, inversion
Special meteorological warnings
Air Regulation
1. Air Regulation
1.1 International Agreements and Organizations
a) The Convention of Chicago
Air Navigation
General principles and application: sovereignty, territory
Flight over territory of Contracting states: right of non-scheduled flight, scheduled air services, cabotage, landing at customs airports, applicability of air regulations, rules of the air, search of aircraft.
Documents to be carried in aircraft
International standards and recommended practices: adoption of international standards and procedures, endorsement of certificates and licenses, validity of endorsed certificates and licenses: departure from international standards and procedures (notification of differences)
b) The International Civil Aviation Organization
objective and composition
duties in relation to – annexes to the convention, standards and recommended practices, procedures for air navigation services, regional supplementary procedures, regional air navigation, manuals and circulars
c) Other International Agreements
The International Air Transport Agreement - the five freedoms
The Convention of Tokyo, La Haye, Montreal – Jurisdiction, authority of pilot-in-command of the aircraft
DGCA India: Organization and Structure – Indian organizations name, composition, objectives and relevant documents (Aircraft Act 1934, Indian Aircraft Rules 1937)
Civil Aviation Requirements
Warsaw Convention
d) PIC authority and responsibility regarding safety and security
e) Operators and pilots liabilities towards persons and goods on the ground, in case of damage and injury caused by the operations of the aircraft
f) Commercial practices and associated rules
1.2 Annex 8 – Airworthiness of Aircraft
- applicability
1.3 Annex 7 – Aircraft Nationality and Registration Marks
- applicability
1.4 Annex 1 – Personnel Licensing
relation between Annex 1 and CARs
1.5 Rules of the Air (Based on Annex 2)
- Annex 2: essential definitions, applicability of the rules of the air, general rules (except water operations), visual flight flights, instrument flight rules, signals, interception of civil aircraft, table of cruising levels
1.6 Procedures for Air Navigation – Aircraft Operations Doc. 8168, Volume 1
​a) Foreword – introduction
b) Definitions and abbreviations (see general statements)
c) Departure procedures - general criteria, standard instrument departures, omni-directional departures, published information, simultaneous operations on parallel or near-parallel instrument runways, area navigation (RNAV) departure procedures based on VOR/DME, use of FMS/RNAV equipment to follow conventional departure procedures
d) Approach procedures
general criteria (except tables)
approach procedures design : instrument approach areas, accuracy of fixes (only intersection fix tolerance factors, other fix tolerance factors, accuracy of facility providing track, approach area splays, descent gradient)
arrival and approach segments : general, standard instrument arrival, initial approach segment (only general), intermediate approach segment, final approach segment (except tables), missed approach segment (only general)
visual manoeuvring (circling) in the vicinity of the aerodrome: general, the visual manoeuvring (circling) area (except table), visual manoeuvring (circling) area not considered for obstacle clearance (except table), minimum descent altitude/height, visual flight manoeuvre, missed approach whilst circling.
Simultaneous ILS operations on parallel or near-parallel runways
Area navigation (RNAV) approach procedures based on VOR/DME
Use of FMS/RNAV equipment to follow conventional non- precision approach procedures
​e) Holding procedures
in-flight procedures (except table), entry, holding
obstacle clearance (except table)
f) Altimeter setting procedures (including ICAO Doc. 7030- Regional Supplementary Procedures) – basic requirements (except tables), procedures
g) Secondary surveillance radar transponder operating procedures (including ICAO Doc. 7030 – Regional Supplementary Procedures)
operation of transponders
operation of ACAS equipment
1.7 Air Traffic Services (based on Annex 11 and Doc. 4444)
​ a) Air Traffic Services – Annex 11 : Definitions (see general statements)
b) General
objectives of ATS, divisions of ATS, designation of the portions of the airspace and controlled aerodromes where ATS will be provided, classification of airspaces (appendix 4 of Annex 11), required navigation performance (RNP), establishment and designation of the units providing ATS, specifications for flight information regions, control areas and control zones, minimum flight altitudes, priority in the event of an aircraft in emergency, in-flight contingencies, time in ATS
c) Air Traffic Control
provision of air traffic control service, operations of air traffic control service, separation minima, contents of clearances, co-ordination of clearances
d) Flight Information Service
scope of flight information service
e) Alerting Service: application, notification of rescue co-ordination centres (only INCERFA, ALERFA, DETRESFA), information to aircraft operating in the vicinity of an aircraft in a state of emergency
f) Principles governing the identification of RNP types and the identification of ATS routes other than standard departure and arrival routes (Appendix 1)
g) Rules of the Air and Air Traffic Services (ICAO Doc. 4444 – RAC/501/11 and ICAO Doc. 7030 – Regional Supplementary Procedures)
definitions (See general statements)
relationship to other document
h) General provisions
general air traffic services operating practices: submission of a flight plan, clearances and information, control of air traffic flow, altimeter setting procedures, indication of heavy wake turbulence category, position reporting, air traffic incident report, procedures in regard to aircraft equipped with airborne collision avoidance systems (ACAS)
Appendix 1
i) Area Control Service
general provisions for the separation of control traffic
vertical separation : vertical separation application, vertical separation minimum, minimum cruising level, assignment of cruising level, vertical separation during ascent or descent
horizontal separation: lateral separation application, lateral separation application, longitudinal separation application
reduction in separation minima
air traffic control clearances: contents, description of air traffic control clearances, clearance to fly maintaining own separations while in visual meteorological conditions, essential traffic information, clearance of a requested change in flight plan
emergency and communication failure: emergency procedures (only general priority, emergency descent, action by pilot-in-command), air-ground communication failure (only concerning the actions by pilot-in-command), interception of civil aircraft
j) Approach Control Service
departing aircraft: general procedures for departing aircraft, clearances for departing aircraft to climb maintaining own separation while in visual meteorological conditions, information for departing aircraft
arriving aircraft: general procedures for arriving aircraft, clearance to descend subject to maintaining own separation in visual meteorological conditions, visual approach, instrument approach, holding, approach sequence, expected approach time, information for arriving aircraft
k) Aerodrome Control Service
functions of aerodrome control towers: general, alerting service provided by aerodrome control towers, suspension of VFR operations by aerodrome control towers
traffic and taxi circuits: selection of runway-in-use
information to aircraft by aerodrome control towers: information related to the operation of the aircraft, information on aerodrome conditions
control of aerodrome traffic: order of priority for arriving and departing aircraft, control of departing and arriving aircraft, wake turbulence categorization of aircraft and increased longitudinal separation minima, authorization of special VFR flights
l) Flight Information Service and Altering Service
Flight information service
Alerting service
m) Use of radar in Air Traffic Services
general provisions: limitations in the use of radar, identification procedures (only establishment of radar identity), position information, radar vectoring
use of radar in the air traffic control service
1.8 Aeronautical Information Service (based on Annex 15 and AIP, India)
essential definitions
1.9 Aerodromes (Based on Annex 14, Vol. 1 & 2)
a) Annex 14
aerodrome data
conditions of the movement area and related facilities
b) Visual aids for navigation
indicators and signaling devices
c) Visual aids for denoting obstacles
marking of objects
lighting of objects
d) Visual aids for denoting restricted use of areas
e) Emergency and other services
Rescue and fire fighting
Apron management services
Ground servicing of aircraft
f) Attachment A to Annex 14
calculation of declared distances
radio altimeter operating areas
approach lighting systems
1.10 Facilitation (based on Annex 9)
entry and departure of aircraft – description, purpose and use of aircraft documents general declaration
entry and departure of persons and their baggage – entry requirement and procedures for crew and other operator’s personnel
1.11 Search and Rescue (based on Annex 12)
a) Annex 12 – definitions
b) Organization
c) Operating procedures
procedures for pilots-in-command at the scene of an accident
procedures for pilot-in-command intercepting a distress transmission
search and rescue signals
d) Search and Rescue Signals
signals with surface craft
ground/air visual signal code
air/ground signals
1.12 Security (based on Annex 17)
a) Annex 17 – General – aims and objectives
1.13 Aircraft Accident Investigation (based on Annex 13)
a) Annex 13 – definitions, applicability
1.14 CARs : Sections 2, 7 and 8
​1.15 National Law – National Law and differences to relevant ICAO Annexes and CARs.
Indian aircraft act 1934-section 1,2,8,10,11A,11B, 17&18(3/9)
Aircraft Rule 1937- Rule No. 1-19,21-29A.30,33,37A,38- 48,50,52,53,55,65,67,67A,67B,68-70,76,79-89,133A,134,140,
Schedule I, II, VI, & XI
AIRCRAFT RULES 1954 (Public Health Rules) AIRCRAFT RULES 2003 (Carriage of Dangerous Goods)
2. Human Performance & Limitations
2.1 Human Factors : Basic Concepts
a) Human Factors in aviation
competence and limitations
becoming a competent pilot – the traditional approach towards ‘proficiency’, the human factors approach towards ‘professionalism’
b) Flight Safety concepts
2.2 Basic Aviation Physiology and Health Maintenance
a) Basics of flight physiology
the atmosphere : composition, gas laws, oxygen requirements of tissues
Respiratory and circulatory systems: pressurization, decompression, rapid decompression, entrapped gases, barotraumas, counter measures, hypoxia, symptoms, time of useful consciousness, hyperventilation, accelerations
High altitude environment: ozone, radiation, humidity
b) Man and Environment the sensory system
integration of sensory inputs : spatial disorientation, illusions, approach and landing problems
c) Health and Hygiene
personal hygiene
common minor ailments: cold, influenza, gastro-intestinal upset
problem areas for pilots : hearing loss, flight related hazards to hearing, defective vision, hypotension, hypertension, coronary disease, obesity, nutrition hygiene, tropical climates – epidemic diseases
intoxication: tobacco, alcohol, drugs and self-medication, various toxic materials
incapacitation: symptoms and causes, recognition, operating coping procedures
2.3 Basic Aviation Psychology
a) Human information processing
attention and vigilance: selectivity of attention, divided attention
perception: perceptual illusions, subjectivity of perception
Response selection: learning principles and techniques, drives, motivation and performance
Human error and reliability
Reliability of human behaviour
Theory and model of human error
Error generation
Social environment (group, organization)
b) Decision making
decision-making concepts: structure (phases), limits, risk assessment, practical application
c) Avoiding and managing errors: Cockpit Management
safety awareness: risk area awareness, identification of error proneness (oneself), identification of error sources (others), situational awareness stress
Co-ordination (multi-crew concepts)
Co-operation: small group dynamics, leadership, management styles, duty and role
Communication: communication model(s), verbal and non- verbal communication, communication barriers, conflict management
d) Personality
Personality and attitudes : development, environmental influences
individual differences in personality: self-concepts (e.g. , action vs. state-orientation)
identification of hazardous attitudes (error proneness)
e) Human overload and under load
stress: definitions, anxiety and stress, effects of stress
fatigue: types, causes, symptoms, effects of fatigue
body rhythm and sleep: rhythm disturbances, symptoms, effects, management, circadian rhythm
fatigue and stress management: coping strategies, management techniques, health and fitness programmes, relaxation techniques
f) Advanced cockpit automation
advantages and disadvantages (criticalities)
automation complacency
3. Operational Procedures
​ 3.1 Operational Procedures – Special and Emergency Procedures General:
a) ICAO Annex 6, Parts I, II and III (as applicable)
general framework and contents
b) CAR-OPS – Requirements
General requirements about
quality system
additional crew members
methods of carriage of persons
admission to flight deck
unauthorized carriage
portable electronic devices
endangering safety
additional information and forms to be carried
information retained on ground
power to inspect
production of documentation and records
preservation of documentation
Operator certification and supervision requirements
general rules for Air Operator Certification
​variation and continued validity of an AOC
administrative requirements
Operational Procedures requirements
operational control and supervision
use of Air Traffic Services
instrument departure and approach procedures
carriage of person with reduced mobility
carriage of inadmissible passengers, deportees, or
persons in custody
stowage of baggage and cargo
passengers seating
security of passenger cabin and galley(s)
smoking on board
take-off conditions
application of take-off minima’s
All-weather Operations requirements: Low Visibility
Aerodrome Operating Minima’s – General
Low Visibility Operations – General operating rules
Low Visibility Operations – Aerodrome considerations
Low Visibility Operations – Training and qualifications
Low Visibility Operations – Operating procedures
Low Visibility Operations – Minimum equipment
VFR Operating Minima
Instrument and safety equipment requirements
general introduction
circuit protection devices
windshield wipers
airborne weather radar equipment
flight crew interphone system
public address system
internal doors and curtains
first aid kits
emergency medical kit
first aid oxygen
supplemental oxygen – pressurized aeroplanes
supplemental oxygen – non-pressurized aeroplanes
crew protective breathing equipment
hand fire extinguishers
crash axes and crowbars
marking of break-in points
means for emergency evacuation
emergency lightings
automatic emergency locator transmitter
life jackets
life rafts and survival ELTs for extended over-water flights
survival equipment
Communication and navigation equipment requirements
radio equipment
audio selector panel
radio equipment VFR
communication and navigation IFR and VFR
Flight crew
flight and duty time limitations and rest requirements
cabin crew
Knowledge of basic navigation equipment, operational and regulatory, requirements for long-range flights in MNPS, Trans-oceanic and polar airspace.
c) Special Operational Procedures and Hazards (General Aspects)
Minimum equipment list
Ground de-icing
icing conditions
definition and recognition, on ground/in-flight
de-icing, anti-icing, types of de-icing fluids
performance deterioration, on ground/in-flight
Bird strike risk and avoidance
Noise abatement
influence by the pilot (power setting, low drag, low power
actions in case of overheated brakes after aborted take-off and landing
Decompression of pressurized cabin
slow decompression
rapid or explosive decompression
dangers and action taken
Windshear, microburst
definition and description
effects and recognition during departure and approach
actions to avoid and actions taken during encounter
Wake turbulence
influence of speed and mass, wind
actions taken when crossing traffic, during take-off and landing
unlawful events
Emergency and precautionary landings operations in various terrain – water (i.e. slopes, mountains, jungle, offshore)
factors to be considered (wind terrain, preparation, flight tactics, landing in various terrain and water)
passenger information
action after landing
Fuel jettisoning
safety aspects
Transport of dangerous goods
Annex 18
practical aspects
Contaminated runways
kinds of contamination
braking action, brake co-efficient
performance correction and calculations
3.2 Communications
​ 3.2.1 VFR Communications
a) Definitions
Meaning and significance of associated terms
Air Traffic Services abbreviations
Q-code groups commonly used in RTF air-ground communications
Categories of messages
b) General Operating Procedures
Transmission of letters
Transmission of numbers (including level information)
Transmission of time
Transmission technique
Standard work and phrases (relevant RTF phraseology included)
Radiotelephony call signs for aeronautical stations including use of abbreviated call signs
Radiotelephone call signs for aircraft including use of abbreviated call signs
Transfer of communication
Test procedures including readability scale
Read back and acknowledgement requirements
Radar procedural phraseology
c) Relevant Weather information terms (VFR)
Aerodrome weather
Weather broadcast
d) Action required to be taken in case of communication failure
e) Distress and urgency procedures
Distress (definition – frequencies – watch of distress frequencies – distress signal – distress message)
Urgency (definition – frequencies – urgency signal – urgency message)
f) General Principles of VHF Propagation and Allocation of Frequencies
3.3 IFR Communications
a) Definitions
Meaning and significance of associated ter
Air Traffic Control abbreviations
Q-code groups commonly used in RTF air-ground communications
b) General Operating Procedures
Transmission of letters
Transmission of numbers (including level information)
Transmission of time
Transmission of technique
Standard words and phrases (relevant RTF phraseology included)
Radiotelephony call signs for aeronautical stations including use of abbreviated call signs
Radiotelephone call signs for aircraft including use of abbreviated call signs
Transfer of communication
Test procedures including readability scale; establishment of RTF communications
Read back and acknowledgement requirements
Radar procedural phraseology
Level changes and reports categories of messages
c) Action required to be taken in case of communication failure
d) Distress and Urgency Procedures
PAN medical
Distress (definition – frequencies – watch of distress frequencies – distress signal – distress message)
Urgency (definition – frequencies – urgency signal – urgency message)
e) Relevant Weather Information Terms (IFR)
Aerodrome weather
Weather broadcast
f) General Principles of VHF propagation and allocation of frequencies
g) Morse Code
Aircraft & Engine – Technical General
1. Aircraft and Engines
1.1 Airframe and Systems
types of construction
types of construction
structural components
Stabilizing surfaces
vertical, horizontal and V-tail surfaces
compensation system
mach trim
Landing Gear
locking devices and emergency extension systems
accidental retraction prevention devices
position, movement lights and indicators
nose wheel steering
wheels and tyres (limitations)
braking systems
parking brake
mode of operation of anti-skid system
mode of system of auto brake system
operation, indications and warning systems
Flight Controls
Primary controls:
elevator, aileron and rudder
mode of actuation (mechanical, hydraulic, electrical, fly-by- wire)
operation, indicators, warning devices and controls)
efforts to transmit
Secondary controls
leading and trailing edge lift augmentation devices
lift dumping and speed brakes
variable elevator
mode of actuation (mechanical, hydraulic, electrical, fly-by- wire)
operation, indicators, warning devices and controls)
danger situations and potential failures
Basic principles of hydromechanics
hydraulic fluids
schematic construction and functioning of hydraulic systems
Hydraulic system
main, standby and emergency system
operation, indicators, warning system
ancillary system
Pneumatic system
power sources
schematic construction
potential failures, warning devices
operation, indicators, warning systems
pneumatic operated systems
Air-conditioning systems
construction, functioning, operation, indicators and warning devices
heating and cooling
temperature regulation
automatic and manual
ram air ventilation
schematic construction
Anti-ice systems
aerofoil and control surfaces, power plant, air intakes, windshield
schematic construction, operating limitations and initiation, timing of de-icing system usage
ice warning system
cabin altitude, maximum cabin altitude, differential pressure
pressurized zones in the aircraft
safety devices and warning systems
rapid decompression, cabin altitude warning
emergency procedures
Non-pneumatic operated de-ice and anti-ice systems
schematic construction, functioning and operation of:
air intake
propeller-pitot, static pressure sensor and stall warning devices
rain repellent system
Fuel system
Fuel tanks
structural components and types
location of tanks on single-and-multi-engine aircraft
sequence and types of re-fuelling
unusable fuel
Fuel feed
gravity and pressure feed
Fuel system monitoring
operating, indicators, warning systems
fuel management (sequencing of fuel tank switching)
dip stick
1.2 Electrics
a) Director Current (DC); Direct /Alternating Current (DC/AC)
electric circuits
voltage, current, resistance
Ohm’s law
resistive circuits
resistance as a function of temperature
electrical power, electrical work
fuses (function, type and operation)
the electrical field
the capacitor (function) system, shock absorbers)
types, characteristics
- permanent magnetism
relay, circuit breaker, solenoid valve (principle, function and applications)
electromagnetic power
electromagnetic induction
principle, function and applications
monitoring devices
regulation, control and protection
modes of excitation
starter generator
current distribution (buses)
monitoring of electrical flight instruments/systems:
ammeter, voltmeter
electrical consumers
DC power distribution:
construction, operation and system monitoring
elementary switching circuits
The aircraft structure as an electrical conductor
b) Alternating Current (AC)
single and multi-phase AC
phase shift
AC components
3-phase generator
brushless generator
generator drive:
constant speed drive
integrated drive
AC power distribution
operation and monitoring
protection circuits, paralleling of Ac-generators
types and applications
Transformer/rectifier units
b) Basic knowledge of computers
Logic circuits
Logical symbols
Switching circuits and logical symbols
1.3 Power Plant
a ) Piston engine
design type
Principle of the 4-stroke internal combustion engine
Mechanical component
Lubrication system
schematic construction
monitoring instruments and indicators
Air cooling
system monitoring
cylinder head temperature
cowl flaps
schematic construction and function
types of ignition
magneto check
Engine fuel supply
carburetor (construction and mode of operation, carburetor icing)
fuel injection (construction and mode of operation)
alternate air
Engine performance
pressure / density altitude
performance as a function of pressure and temperature
Power augmentation devices
turbocharger, supercharger (construction and effect on engine performance)
types, grades
detonation characteristics, octane rating
colour coding
water content, ice formation
fuel density
alternate fuels, differences in specifications, limitations
rich and lean mixture
maximum power and fuel economy mixture setting
fixed pitch and constant speed propeller
principles and operation of propellers on single and multi-engine aircraft
propeller check
propeller efficiency as a function of airspeed
aircraft and engine protection (propeller operation: ground/ air, coarse/fine pitch limitations)
Engine handling and manipulation
power setting, power range
mixture setting
operational limitations
Operational criteria
maximum and minimum RPM
(induced) engine vibration and critical RPM
remedial action by abnormal engine start run-up and inflight
b) Turbine engine
principles of operation
types of construction
c) Engine construction
Air inlet
construction and mode of operation
effects of damage
compressor stall and surge (cause and avoidance)
Combustion chamber
function, types and working principles
mixing ratios
fuel injectors
thermal load
function, construction and working principles
thermal and mechanical stress
effects of damage
monitoring of exhaust gas temperature
Jet pipe
different types
noise silencing devices
Pressure, temperature and airflow in a turbine engine
Reverse thrust
function, types and principles of operation
degree of efficiency
use and monitoring
Performance and thrust augmentation
water injection, principles of operation
use and system monitoring
Bleed air
effect of use of bleed air on thrust, exhaust temperature, RPM and pressure ratio
Auxiliary gearbox
d) Engine systems
function, types, components, operation, safety aspects
function, type, construction and mode of operation
control and monitoring
self sustaining and idle speeds
Engine start malfunctions
cause and avoidance
Fuel system
schematic diagrams, components
operation and monitoring
operation and monitoring
effects of temperature
thrust formula
flat rated engine
thrust as a function of airspeed, air density, pressure, temperature and RPM
power plant operation and monitoring
e) Auxiliary Power Unit (APU)
function, types
operation and monitoring
Ram air turbine
1.4 Emergency Equipment
a) Doors and emergency exits
evacuation slides, general usage or as life rafts or flotation devices
b) Smoke detection
location, indicators, function test
c) Fire detection
location, warning mode, function test
d) Fire fighting equipment
location, operation, contents, gauge, function test
e) Aircraft oxygen equipment
drill, use of equipment in case of rapid decompression
oxygen generators
f) Hydraulic systems
components, fluids
operation, indication, warning systems
auxiliary systems
g) Emergency equipment
portable, hand-held fire extinguisher
smoke mask, smoke protection hood]
portable oxygen system
emergency locator beacon, transmitter
life jacket, life raft
pocket lamp, emergency lighting
cash axe
fireproof gloves
emergency flotation system
2. Principles of Flight
2.1 Subsonic Aerodynamics
a) Basics Laws and Definitions
Laws and definitions
laws of Newton
ideal gas equation
equation of impulse
equation of continuity
Bernoulli’s theorem
static pressure
dynamic pressure
Basics about airflow
stationary airflow
not stationary airflow
stream tube
two-dimensional airflow
three-dimensional airflow
Aerodynamic forces on surfaces
resulting air force
angle of attack
forces and equilibrium of forces during climb, level, descent and turn
Shape of an aerofoil
thickness of chord ratio
nose radius
angle of attack
angle of incidence
The wing shape
aspect ratio
root chord
tip chord
tapered wings
shape of wing surface
mean aerodynamic chord (MAC)
b) The two-dimensional airflow about an aerofoil
streamline pattern
stagnation point
pressure distribution
centre of pressure
lift and downwash
drag and wake (loss of impulse)
influence of angle of attack
flow separation at high angles of attack
the lift-graph
c) The coefficients
The lift coefficient C
the lift formula
CL – α graph
CLmax and α
normal values of CLmax, αcrit, stall, and the slope of the CL / A.o.A curve
The drag coefficient CD
the drag formulas:
zero lift drag
lift induced drag
CD – α graph
CL – CD graph, profile polar
CL – CD ratio
normal values of the CL – CD ratio
d) The three-dimensional airflow about an aeroplane
Streamline pattern
span-wise flow and causes
tip vortices and local α
tip vortices and angle of attack
up-wash and down-wash due to tip vortices
span-wise lift distribution
wake turbulence behind an aircraft (causes, distribution, duration of the phenomenon)
Induced drag
influence of tip vortices on the angle of attack
the induced local α
influence of induced angle of attack on the direction of the lift vector
induced drag and angle of attack
induced drag and speed
induced drag and wing aspect ratio
induced drag and wing planform
induced drag coefficient
induced drag coefficient and angle of attack
influence of the induced drag on the CL – α graph
influence of the induced drag on the CL – CD graph, airplane lift drag ratio
influence of plan of section
wing span loading
influence of wing twist
e) The total drag
influence of change of camber
the parasite drag
profile drag
interference drag
friction drag
The profile drag and speed
the induced drag and speed
the total drag
the total drag and speed
minimum drag
the drag – speed graph
f) The ground effect
effect on CDi
effect on αcrit
effect on CL
Effect on take-off and landing characteristics of an aircraft
g) The relation between the lift coefficient and the speed for constant lift
as a formula
in a graph
h) The stall
Flow separation at increasing angles of attack
the boundary layer:
laminar layer
turbulent layer
separation point
influence of angle of attack
influence on:
pressure distribution
location of centre of pressure
pitch moments
down-wash at horizontal stabilizer
use of controls
The stall speed
in the lift formula
1g stall speed
influence of:
the centre of gravity
power setting
altitude / IAS
wing loading
load factor n:
The initial stall in span-wise direction
influence of plan form
aerodynamic twist (wash out)
geometric twist
use of ailerons
influence of fences, vortilons, saw teeth and vortex generators
Special phenomena of stall
the power-on stall
climbing and descending turns
swept back wings
super- or deep-stall, stick pusher
T-tailed aircraft
avoidance of spins:
spin development
spin recognition
spin recovery
ice (in stagnation point and on surface):
absence of stall warning
abnormal behaviour of the stall
stabilizer stall
Stall warning
importance of stall warning
speed margin
stall strip
flapper switch
AOA vane
AOA probe
stick shaker
recovery from stall
i) CLmax augmentation
Trailing edge flaps and the reasons for use in take-off and landing
different types of flaps:
split flap
plain flap
slotted flap
fowler flap
their influence on the CL – α graph
their influence on the CL – CD graph
flap asymmetry
influence on pitch movement
Leading edge devices and the reasons for use in take-off and landing
different types:
Krueger flaps
variable camber flaps
their influence on the CL – α graph
their influence on the CL – CD graph
slat asymmetry
normal/automatic operation
Vortex generators
aerodynamic principles
j) Means to decrease the CL – CD ratio, increasing drag
Spoilers and the reasons for use in the different phases of flight
different functions:
flight spoilers (speedbrakes)
ground spoilers (lift dumpers)
roll spoilers
their influence on the CL - α graph
their influence on the CL – CD graph and ratio
Speedbrakes as a means of increasing drag and the reasons for use in the different phases of flight
the influence on the CL – CD graph ratio
k) The boundary layer
Different types
- Their advantages and disadvantages on pressure drag and friction drag
Special circumstances
Ice and other contamination
ice in stagnation point
ice on the surface (frost, snow, clear ice)
contamination of the leading edge
effects on stall
effects on loss of controllability
effects on control surface movement
influence on high lift devices during take-off, landing and low speeds
affect on lift/drag ratio
Deformation and modification of airframe, ageing aircraft
2.2 Transonic Aerodynamics
The Mach number definition
speed of sound
influence of temperature and altitude
Normal shockwaves
Mcrit and exceeding Mcrit
Influence of:
mach number
control deflection
angle of attack
aerofoil thickness
angle of sweep
area ruling
CL – α graph
Aerodynamic heating
Shock stall / Mach buffet
Influence on:
pitch (Mach trim):
contribution of:
movement of the centre of pressure
angle of sweep
Buffet margin, aerodynamic ceiling
Means to avoid the effects of exceeding Mcrit
Vortex generators
Supercritical profile
influence of aerofoil shape on shockwaves
advantages and disadvantages of supercritical aerofoil
2.3 Stability
a) Condition of equilibrium in stable horizontal flight
precondition for static stability
sum of moments
lift and weight
drag and thrust
sum of forces
in horizontal plane
in vertical plane
b) Methods of achieving balance
Wing and empennage (tail and canard)
control surfaces
Ballast or weight trim
c) Longitudinal stability
Basics and definitions
Static stability, positive, neutral and negative
precondition for dynamic stability
dynamic stability, positive, neutral and negative
short period
effect of high altitude on dynamic stability
static stability
neutral point/location of neutral point
Contribution of:
aircraft geometry
a.c. of the wing
Location of centre of gravity
aft limit, minimum stability margin
forward position
effects on static and dynamic stability
The CM – α graph
Contribution of:
location of centre of gravity
control deflection
major aircraft parts (wings, fuselage, tail)
flap deflection
gear extension
The elevator position – speed graph (IAS)
Contribution of;
location of centre of gravity
trim (trim tab)
trim (stabilizer trim)
Mach number/Mach trim
friction in the system
down spring
bob weight
The manoeuvring /stick force per g
Contribution of:
location of centre of gravity
down spring
bob weight
Stick force per g and the limit load factor
category of certification
Special circumstances
effects of flap extension
effects of stabilizer ice
deformation of airframe
d) Static directional stability
Slip angle ß
Yaw moment coefficient CN
CN – ß graph
Contribution of :
location of centre of gravity
angle of sweep of the wing
fuselage at high angles of attack
dorsal fin and angle of sweep of fin
major aircraft parts
e) Static lateral stability
Bank angle ø
The roll moment coefficient CL
Contribution of angle of slip ß
The CL – ß graph
Contribution of:
angle of sweep of wing
ventral fin
location of the wing
dihedral / anhedral
Effective lateral stability
f) Dynamic lateral stability
effects of asymmetric propeller slipstream
Tendency to spiral dive
Dutch roll
yaw damper
Effects of altitude on dynamic stability
2.4 Control
a) General
Basics, the Three Planes and Three Axis
Camber change
Angle of attack change
b) Pitch Control
Down-wash effects
Ice on tail
Location of centre of gravity
c) Yaw Control
Pedal/Rudder ratio changer
Moments due to engine thrust
Engine failure
rudder limitations at asymmetric thrust
meaning of VMCA, VMCG
d) Roll Control
inboard ailerons
outboard ailerons
function in different phases of flight
Adverse yaw
Means to avoid adverse yaw
frise ailerons
differential aileron deflection
coupling ailerons to rudder by spring
roll spoilers
effects of asymmetric propeller slip stream
e) Interaction in different planes (yaw/roll)
limitations of asymmetric power
f) Means to reduce control forces
Aerodynamic balance
nose balance
horn balances
internal balances
balance tab, anti-balance tab
servo tab
spring tab
power assisted controls
fully powered controls
artificial feel:
dynamic pressure q
stabilizer setting
g) Mass Balance
reasons to balance
h) Trimming
reasons to trim
trim tabs
stabilizer trim/trim rate versus IAS
position of centre of gravity influence on trim/stabilizer setting for take-off
2.4 Limitations
a) Operating limitations
aileron reversal
gear/flap operating​
b) Manoeuvring envelope
Manoeuvring load diagram
load factor
accelerated stall speed
manoeuvring limit load factor/certification category
Contribution of:
Mach number
c) Gust Envelope
Gust load diagram
vertical gust speeds
accelerated stall speed
gust limit load factor
Contribution of:
Mach number
2.5 Propellers
a) Conversion of engine torque to thrust
meaning of pitch
blade twist
fixed pitch and variable pitch/constant speed
propeller efficiency versus speed
effects of ice on propeller
b) Engine failure or engine stop
Windmilling drag
influence on yaw moment when asymmetric power
influence on glide performance
influence on yaw moment when asymmetric power
c) Design feature of power absorption
aspect ratio of blade
diameter of propeller
number of blades
propeller noise
d) Moments and couples due to propeller operation
Torque reaction
Gyroscopic precession
Asymmetric slipstream effect
Asymmetric blade effect
2.6 Flight Mechanics
a) Forces action on an airplane
Straight horizontal steady flight
Straight steady climb
Straight steady descent
Straight steady glide
Steady coordinated turn
bank angle
load factor
turn radius
angular velocity
rate one turn
b) Asymmetric Thrust
Moments about the vertical axis
Influence of bank angle
Influence of aircraft weight
Influence of use of ailerons
Influence of special propeller effects on roll moments
propeller torque
propeller wash on flaps
Influence of slipangle on roll moments
Influence of altitude
c) Emergency Descent
Influence of configuration
Influence of chosen mach number and IAS
Typical points on polar curve
d) Windshear